Multisport Registration

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 Registration is open until November 3, 2017. Please read details below.

  1. Each lesson focuses on skill development through physical literacy and fun, setting the ground work for a love of sport and an ‘I can play anything!’ attitude.  Physical literacy comes from developing a wide variety of fundamental movement skills such as running, throwing, catching and jumping.  To develop these skills, our kids need to play different sports and activities from an early age – it’s a win-win!
  2. All sessions will be facilitated by recreation program coordinators and delivered by volunteer community sport organizations.
  3. Children must be in grade two or grade three to participate in the program.
  4. Registrations will be accepted between 8:30am on September 5, 2017 and 4:30pm on Friday, November 3, 2017.
  5. Program cost will be $225/participant for the entire three and a half month program. Payment options will be available and PRO KIDS funding is available through your local Recreation Department.
  6. If registration exceeds capacity (30 participants), participants will be placed on a waiting list.
  7. If a participant is registered but payment and waiver are not received by Friday, December 1, 2018 the participant’s spot will be given to the first person on the waiting list.


For more information or to register:

Britt Vegsund, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg: 902.541.1336
Nicole Kenney, Community Sport Coordinator: 902.298.9531
Facebook: Lunenburg County Multisport

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