Municipal Grant Programs
Many towns and municipalities have funding programs to support community groups.
Contact your local recreation department to see how they can help your organization.
Sport Nova Scotia Funding Programs
Sport Nova Scotia offers funding assistance to athletes, officials, coaches, Provincial Sport
Organizations and Community Sport Organizations.
Click here to find out for which ones you are eligible.
For more information: contact Nicole Kenney, our Community Sport Development Coordinator
United Way of Lunenburg County
Does your organization have a great idea?
Do you have a workable plan with partnerships and positive outcomes? Does your idea benefit Lunenburg County kids, youth, families, seniors or your community?
- You must be a non profit or registered charity in Lunenburg County
- Funding amounts range from $500 to $10,000.
- All funding applications are reviewed and evaluated by a committee of local volunteers.
- Applications are accepted in February, reviewed in March and decisions are made in April.
Click here to see the types of programs United Way funds
Click here for info about requirements and application documents
For more information: contact the United Way of Lunenburg County
Community Wellness Grants
Community Health Boards receive funding annually from the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness to disburse to non-profit organizations that promote healthy lifestyles in our communities.
- Organizations that require funding for a new or existing program
- Program must focus on improving the health of people on the South Shore
- Grants are up to a maximum of $3,000.00 per year.
For more information: contact your local Community Health Board
Lunenburg County Community Health Board
Shelburne County Community Health Board
Yarmouth Community Health Board
Provincial Grant Programs
Gender Equity Fund
This fund is designed to help physical activity, sport and recreation organizations create supportive organizational cultures, policies, practices, and conditions to increase the engagement of women and girls in physical activity, sport, and recreation as leaders, decision makers, coaches, volunteers, and participants. Various initiatives designed to build the gender equity capacity of organizations are eligible for funding, including: education and training sessions, board development workshops, organizational assessment activities, gender and diversity analysis, policy and action plan development, evaluations, etc. Initiatives focused on the direct delivery of programs and services to women and girls, fundraising activities, facility modifications are not eligible for funding under this program.
Assistance to Provincial Sport Organizations
Eligible provincial sport groups are provided with funding to offer programs and services. Provincial Sport Organizations can be found through the Sport Nova Scotia website.
Municipal Physical Activity Leadership Program
This program is intended to support the important role played by municipalities in providing opportunities for physical activity, through the provision of qualified leadership, at the municipal level.
Assistance to Provincial Recreation/Physical Activity Organizations
The Department of Health and Wellness provides funding assistance to provincial organizations with a primary mandate in recreation and physical activity. The policy (see below) provides for funding in four categories where the operation of a provincial organization, and/or specific initiatives that it undertakes, are supportive of the goals and strategic directions of the Department’s Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation responsibility centre.
Provincial Recreation/Physical Activity Project Funding
Project Funding is designed to support provincial organizations to undertake initiatives that address specific to Health and Wellness PASR priorities. Eligible activities are public awareness and social marketing, education, knowledge transfer and dissemination, leadership development and networking, program development and implementation, and resource development. Priorities are determined annually and will include identified target groups, issues, risk factors, etc.
Regional Development Program
This program is designed to support activities which respond to the goals and priorities of communities and PASR priority areas including: increasing physical activity, sport and recreation opportunities, capacity building, gender equity, volunteer development, physical activity levels of children and youth, fair and safe activities and responding to traditionally underserved populations.
Sport Hosting Program
The Department of Health and Wellness recognizes the benefits of hosting sport events in Nova Scotia and provides support to Provincial Sport Organizations through the Sport Hosting Program.
Trail Maintenance Program
The Trail Maintenance Program will provide funding to groups who are involved in regular maintenance as well as emergency funding to groups who have experienced major maintenance issues due to fire, flooding, hurricanes, etc.
Recreation Facility Development (RFD) Program
The Recreation Facility Development Program assists community groups, municipalities and other “not for profit” organizations to develop facilities in order to increase public participation in sport and physical recreation facilities.
Projects range from $20,000 to $450,000.
Planning Assistance Program (Organizations and Municipalities)
The Planning Assistance Program assists community organizations and municipalities in obtaining professional assistance in planning, designing and researching proposed and existing sport and physical recreation facilities.
Community Recreation Capital Grant Program (CRCG)
The Community Recreation Capital Grant program is to assist in the development of small scale indoor and outdoor capital recreation projects, less than $20,000.