NS Active Smarter Kids (ASK): Resources for Teachers

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Hey there! Are you a teacher looking to get started with ASK physically active lessons with your class? Physically active lessons or PAL, are academic lessons that incorporate physical activity into the review of academic content. Examples includes doing star jumps while spelling need-to-know vocabulary words, or running a certain distance to reply to a question provided by the teacher. This page is a work in progress, but scroll through to find some resources from the NS ASK Project Team to help you get your students learning outside with this fun and engaging teaching tool!

First of all, check out the NS ASK Project’s social media sites to watch some classes participating in ASK lessons.



For ideas on how to support ASK physically active lessons at home, check out our YouTube channel to watch our 10 video ASK @ Home Series. These are great if your students are learning from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic and if you’d like to provide a resource for parents.


To review some ASK lesson ideas that Nova Scotian teachers have created, take a look here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pNrOBh_BMfY92w35oI7nYS3MRrqGiDZ4?usp=sharing

To access ASK print materials to use in your lessons take a look here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JNZYAqmV5e0AcWPwJxxY20I6dJw16bAF?usp=sharing

For recommendations on conducting safe ASK lessons during the Covid-19 Pandemic, take a look here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18nTB26CkqxYShMu-BvTwUiMpyoy-S8hm?usp=sharing

To read more about the origins of the NS ASK Project, please visit: http://southshoreconnect.ca/project/education-on-the-move-active-smarter-kids-pilot/

Project contact: Britt Vegsund, NS ASK Project Lead. britt.vegsund@modl.ca (902) 212-0474

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