Bluenose Academy Walking School Bus

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A Walking School Bus (WSB) is a group of students, led by adults and/or older youth volunteers, who regularly walk to school together. It provides supervision, safety in numbers, physical activity, and a social atmosphere on the way to school.  Students have fun and arrive energized and ready for the day.

The Walking School Bus Program at Bluenose Academy is supported by the Town of Lunenburg Active Transportation Committee.

A Walking School Bus is flexible enough to fit your busy schedule, even if you can’t walk in it every day. Even walking just two or three days a week benefits kids. You may also be surprised to learn that 9 out of 10 parents who walk children to school use it as a great way to meet new people, socialize, and get some daily exercise!

The following information will help you and your child(ren) get ready to climb aboard and join the ride!

Click here to download the Bluenose Academy Walking School Bus welcome package and enrollment forms.Download now

Please return completed forms to the school.

Please contact us with any questions or to join a WSB to test it out for yourself. Your WSB leader will talk to you about your WSB route, pick-up times, and scheduled walking days.


André Bouchard
Regional Physical Activity Coordinator, South Shore
Nova Scotia Health and Wellness
312 Green Street
Lunenburg, NS  B0J 2C0
Office: (902) 634-7504



Walking School Bus Code of Conduct

Participation in the Bluenose Academy Walking School Bus program brings a variety of youth, parents, and school staff together. The success of the program depends on everyone taking responsibility for their own behaviour, communication and cooperation. All those involved are asked to operate with mutual respect and integrity. Act towards others as you would have them act towards you.

Parents and kids please read and talk about these “rules of the road” together.

  • Listen to the Walking School Bus leaders and work with them for the good of the “team”
  • Be on time
  • Obey all traffic rules and signs –  all the time, every time
  • Cross the street with your WSB leader and group
  • Stay with the group
  • No lagging behind or running ahead
  • Zero tolerance of profanity, temper tantrums, or violent behavior
  • No pushing or fooling around while walking or waiting
  • Respect neighbourhood property
  • Speak respectfully and openly. Clearly state your needs if they are not being met
  • Look out for each other, play fair, communicate kindly and have fun!

  • Help us by setting an positive example for your child
  • Follow the procedures (e.g. pick up place/time) agreed to by your Walking School Bus group
  • Communicate ideas, questions or problems to ensure positive outcomes for everyone
  • Always wait with your child until the Walking School Bus Leader has taken responsibility for your child.
  • Do not leave your child unattended while waiting for the Walking School Bus
  • Make certain your child(ren) dress appropriately for the weather conditions expected according to the weather report
  • Ensure your child(ren) arrive at the meeting spot at agreed meeting time. WSBs are on a fixed schedule.  If your child is late, the WSB will not wait for him/her
  • Review the code of conduct with your child(ren); make sure they understand and comply with the behavior expectations outlined
  • Join in and have fun with your kids!

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct for children and parents/guardians may result in your child(ren) being asked not to participate in the program. Bluenose Academy reserves the right to request any participant to withdraw from the program if the participant is not behaving in an appropriate and reasonable manner and/or to cancel the program.

The Routes

This map shows the proposed Walking School Bus routes for Bluenose Academy.

We are still in the process of recruiting volunteer leaders, so the Walking School Bus is not yet officially operating;

however, you are likely to see people walking along these routes to school independently of our program.

These routes are numbered because they have yet to be named by the children.

Click on map to enlarge


  • The pink lines show the main trunks of the routes. You should be able to catch the Walking School Bus anywhere along the route, but we will add safe gathering places as they are identified.
  • The routes follow sidewalks, trails and crosswalks wherever possible.
  • The doors of the school open at 8:15 am.
  • Walking School Buses should enter the school through the east-facing main doors.

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