Sport makes a difference

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Improving Health

  • Sport helps young people develop health musculoskeletal tissue, develop a healthy cardiovascular system, develop neuromuscular awareness, and maintain body weight
  • Physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, breast and colon cancers
  • The risk of developing a cardiovascular disease increases by 1.5 times when minimum physical activity recommendations are not followed

Kids participating in Sport

  • 76% of children who exercised felt accepted by other students
  • 92% of Canadians believe community-based sport can have a positive influence on youth
  • 91% of kids in Nova Scotia do not meet the recommended daily physical activity levels
  • Kids who participate in organized sport activity are closer to reaching Canada’s Physical Activity Guide of at least 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity

Building Communities

  • The United Nations Task force on Sport for Development and Peace views sport as an “international language” that bridges social and ethnic divides, and promotes peace at all levels especially at the community level
  • Nine out of 10 Canadians recognize that community sport can be a “force for good”
  • 72% of Canadians believe sport contributes to the quality of life in their community

It Pays To Play

  • 2% of all jobs in Canada are from the sport sector
  • 1.2% of Canada’s GDP is from the sport sector
  • 5.3 million Canadians volunteer in the sport community
  • Increasing physical activity levels by just 10% can save over $150 million in direct health care costs

For more information:

Nicole Kenney
Community Sport Development Coordinator- South Shore Region
312 Green St.
Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0

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