Paddle Lunenburg-Queens


Paddle Lunenburg-Queens is a project of the Lunenburg Queens Recreation Coordinators/Directors Association.

This project was inspired by Canoe Annapolis County, a similar publication conceived by Debra Ryan, Annapolis County Recreation Director.

A great deal of credit must go to our author, Sheena Masson, who initiated this book and was the driving force on this project. We must also acknowledge our sponsors who had the foresight to support the project. The South Shore Paddlers Association played a huge role in identifying potential routes as well as route write ups and route inspections.

We feel that Paddle Lunenburg-Queens highlights some of the premier paddling opportunities not only in Lunenburg and Queens but all of Nova Scotia. We hope you enjoy it and remind you that it is a guide. Mother Nature continually changes our waterways so please exercise caution on your paddling adventures.

River Route 9: The Wild Cat River

River Route 9: The Wild Cat River

River Route 8: The Lower Shelburne River

River Route 8: The Lower Shelburne River

River Route 7: The Pleasant River

River Route 7: The Pleasant River

River Route 6: The Petite River

River Route 6: The Petite River

River Route 5-2: The Mersey River (Lake Rossignol to Liverpool)

River Route 5-2: The Mersey River (Lake Rossignol to Liverpool)

River Route 5-1: The Mersey River (Kejimkujik Lake to Lake Rossignol)

River Route 5-1: The Mersey River (Kejimkujik Lake to Lake Rossignol)

River Route 4-3: Medway River (Buggy Hole to Mill Village)

River Route 4-3: Medway River (Buggy Hole to Mill Village)

River Route 4-2: Medway River (Greenfield to below Bangs Falls)

River Route 4-2: Medway River (Greenfield to below Bangs Falls)

River Route 4-1: Medway River (McGowan Lake to South Brookfield)

River Route 4-1: Medway River (McGowan Lake to South Brookfield)

River Route 3: West Branch LaHave

River Route 3: West Branch LaHave

River Route 2: North Branch LaHave

River Route 2: North Branch LaHave

River Route 1-2: Lahave River

River Route 1-2: Lahave River

River Route 1-1: Lahave River

River Route 1-1: Lahave River

Lake Route 11: Ten Mile Lake

Lake Route 11: Ten Mile Lake

Lake Route 10: Shingle Lake

Lake Route 10: Shingle Lake

Lake Route 9: Seven Mile Lake

Lake Route 9: Seven Mile Lake

Lake Route 8: Ponhook Lake

Lake Route 8: Ponhook Lake

Lake Route 7: Molega Lake

Lake Route 7: Molega Lake

Lake Route 6: McGowan Lake / Dean Lake

Lake Route 6: McGowan Lake / Dean Lake

Lake Route 5: Lake Rossignol

Lake Route 5: Lake Rossignol

Lake Route 4: Dauphinees Mill Lake

Lake Route 4: Dauphinees Mill Lake

Lake Route 3: Christopher Lakes

Lake Route 3: Christopher Lakes

Lake Route 2: Card Lake

Lake Route 2: Card Lake

Lake Route 1: Big Mushamush Lake

Lake Route 1: Big Mushamush Lake

Ocean Route 1: Aspotogan

Ocean Route 1: Aspotogan

Ocean Route 2: Blue Rocks

Ocean Route 2: Blue Rocks

Ocean Route 3: Chester Islands

Ocean Route 3: Chester Islands

Ocean Route 4: LaHave Islands

Ocean Route 4: LaHave Islands

Ocean Route 5: Lunenburg

Ocean Route 5: Lunenburg

Ocean Route 6: Mahone Bay

Ocean Route 6: Mahone Bay

Ocean Route 7: Medway Harbour

Ocean Route 7: Medway Harbour

Ocean Route 8-1: Port Joli Harbour

Ocean Route 8-1: Port Joli Harbour

Ocean Route 8-2: Kejimkujik Seaside

Ocean Route 8-2: Kejimkujik Seaside

Ocean Route 9: Port Mouton

Ocean Route 9: Port Mouton

Ocean Route 10: Ragged Harbour

Ocean Route 10: Ragged Harbour

Ocean Route 11: Tancook Islands

Ocean Route 11: Tancook Islands

Sheena Masson, Writer

Ms. Masson is a writer and researcher in the fields of outdoor recreation and ecotourism. She is the co-author of Potential Ecotourism Sites and Packages on the North Shore of Nova Scotia and author of Woodlot Recreation. For four years she was the editor of Forest Times,a bimonthly publication of the Department of Natural Resources. She is also a regular contributor to shunpiking, the discovery magazine. This is her first book.

Sheena is a certified canoe instructor and teaches at flatwater and moving water clinics. A tenacious kayak tripper, she travelled extensively on the waterways and coast of these two counties for this project declaring this “the perfect job.”

Jim Todd, Cartographer

Jim is a contract instructor of Graphic Design and Aerial Photography Interpretation at the College of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown, NS, and has an extensive background in cartography and survey principles. He serves on the Advisory Board to the Cartography Department of COGS.

Under TODD Graphic, he also works as a graphic designer, with emphasis on computer applications and digital technology. A licenced guide, avid canoeist and outdoorsman, Jim has travelled extensively through the back country of western Nova Scotia. He is a founding member of the Tobeatic Wilderness Committee and is active in that group’s continuing efforts to protect this area.

Jim was a natural choice for this guide book. He had a key role in the publication of Canoe Annapolis County: mapping, writing, graphic design and route selection, and we were fortunate to have his expertise in this project.

Jim is also a nationally syndicated cartoonist and illustrator with Southam Syndicate, Ottawa, and his work has appeared in most major Canadian magazines and daily newspapers.

Thank you’s

This project required lots of help from lots of people to complete. Carroll Randall, the ever-positive, was supportive from the start and provided guidance as project supervisor. Cartographer and graphic designer Jim Todd, fresh from the Canoe Annapolis County project, was a deep well of ideas that I often drew upon. And paddling partner Peter Young gave freely of his time and skills to accompany me on most of these routes sharing the delight of exploration and his own home baking. My thanks to you three in particular.

Members of the South Shore Paddlers Association gave me needed advice at our monthly meetings, brought in stacks of photos and shared their considerable knowledge of these routes. Thanks to Peter Young, Bob Todd, Paul Beliveau, Ruby Todd, Sandra Smylie, Joe Laird, Dave MacDonald, Paul Newton, Keith Merrill, Andy Janes, Paul Lewis and other members. Paul Belliveau, Ruby Todd and Deb Smith (Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission) spent many hours editing the routes and the book has certainly benefitted from their comments. Student researcher Cheryn Johnson helped during the summer of 1997.

Club members were not the only ones subject to incessant questions. Calls were often made late into the evening, only to be followed by another five minutes later and everyone was invariably polite. Every outfitter I contacted freely shared his knowledge of the backcountry. Thanks to Peter Rogers (Loon Lake Outfitters), Frank Jeremy (Wild Cat Outfitters), Dave Etter (Mahone Bay Kayak Adventures), Philip Guest (Freewheeling Adventures), Jeff Norman (Rossignol Surf), Rob Girrard (SeaSun), Granville Nickerson (Back of Beyond), Scott Cunningham (Coastal Adventures), and Marc Langlois (Heartwood). Others who shared include Steve Cook, Dave Dagley, Ron Lane, Martin Huntley, Paul Anderson, Doug Archibald, Gerry Oickle, Mark McLean of the Bluenose Atlantic Coastal Action Program, Norman Amirault, Jon Potter, John Mills (a biologist with DNR), Dave MacKinnon (a biologist with Department of the Environment) and Greg Kenney (a park warden with Kejimkujik Seaside Adjunct).

A big thanks goes as well to our financial sponsors for their support and believing in the project.

Our major sponsors were:

  • Human Resources Development Canada
  • The Economic Renewal Agency
  • Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation Commission

Others were:

  • The Regional Development Authority
  • Go for Green
  • The Forestry Capital Of Canada
  • Abtco Canada Limited (Canexel)
  • Bowater Mersey Paper Company Limited
  • The Municipalities of the Districts of Lunenburg, Chester, and Queens
  • The Municipalities of the towns of Mahone Bay, Lunenburg, and Bridgewater



Neither South Shore nor the Lunenburg-Queens Recreational Coordinators/Directors Association own or control the canoe routes, portages or campsites listed in this guide, and assume no responsibility or liability for the safety of those using the canoe routes, walking the portages, or using the campsites.

lt is recommended that users approach all canoe routes, portages and campsites in a safe and responsible manner.

Conditions can change through fluctuating water levels, natural debris, and logging activity.

Arrangements must be made directly with the owners of the portages and campsites.

South Shore and Lunenburg-Queens Recreational Coordinators/Directors Association are not liable for any errors or omissions in this guide.


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