Recreation matters

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mun-rec-buttonRecreation services provide a number of benefits to our community. These benefits help strengthen families, build healthy communities, improve the quality of life for residents, provide the healthy development of children and provide leaders.  Several key messages from the Benefits of Recreation Catalogue have been defined as:

Recreation is Essential to Personal Health

  • Recreation helps people live longer
  • Recreation prolongs independent living for seniors
  • Recreation and fitness significantly reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
  • Recreation and fitness combat osteoporosis and diabetes
  • Recreation and fitness help in preventing types of cancers and rehabilitating back problems
  • Recreation and arts/culture contribute to mental health, enhance overall health and well-being
  • Recreation is a therapeutic tool – restoring physical, mental and social capacities and abilities

Recreation Builds Strong Families and Healthy Communities

  • Families that play together, stay together
  • Recreation provides safe developmental opportunities for the latch-key child
  • Recreation, sports and arts/culture produce leaders who serve their communities in many ways
  • Recreation, sports and arts/culture build social skills and excite participation in community life
  • Recreation is often the catalyst that builds strong, self-sufficient communities
  • Arts/culture helps people understand their neighbours, their history and their environment
  • Recreation and arts/culture build pride in a community

Your community recreation department offers a wide range of activities for youth, families, adults , and seniors. Please contact them to see what programs they currently have to offer!


Connect with your local recreation department:

Barrington Recreation, Municipality of the District of Barrington

Municipality of the District Barrington
Offering recreation activities, programs to individuals in our municipality.

Digby Area Recreation Commission

Digby (Town)
For information about recreation opportunities in the Town and Municipality of Digby, please contact the Digby Area Recreation Commission. ... [ More Info ]

Municipality of Clare Recreation Department

Little Brook
For information about recreation opportunities in the Municipality of Clare, please contact the Recreation Department. Pour plus d'information au sujet des activités que l'on organise, S.V.P. contact ... [ More Info ]

Municipality of the District of Argyle - Municipalité d'Argyle, Argyle Recreation Department - Département des loisirs d'Argyle

The Argyle Recreation Commission is a committee consisting of 14 people who help in the strategic planning of the recreation department. The mandate of the Argyle Municipal commission is to enhance th ... [ More Info ]

Municipality of the District of Chester, Chester Municipal Recreation and Parks

The dedicated staff of our Recreation & Parks Department make it their purpose to impress on the public the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. This is evident in all of our community-oriented ... [ More Info ]

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, District of Lunenburg Recreation

"Working with you to create recreational opportunities for all!" The Municipal Recreation Department is committed to working with community organizations and residents to maximize recreational opportu ... [ More Info ]

Municipality of the District of Shelburne, Recreation & Parks

Eastern Shelburne County
Mission: The Municipality of the District of Shelburne Recreation & Parks Department shall work to ensure that recreation opportunities exist for all members of the community by providing programs and ... [ More Info ]

Region of Queens Municipality, Region of Queens Recreation and Community Facilities

The Department of Recreation and Community Facilities is staffed by professionals who work with the community to create and plan recreational opportunities that will suit all residents. Year-round the ... [ More Info ]

Town of Bridgewater, Recreation

The provision of parks, recreation and cultural services is essential to the health and well-being of our community. It is the department’s goal to ensure that all people living, working, and visiting ... [ More Info ]

Town of Lockeport, Lockeport Recreation/Culture/Tourism

Our purpose is to provide recreational services for the citizens of the Town of Lockeport. The Rec. Dept. also manages the following recreation facilities: Volunteers Athletic Fields, Helen Ghent Tenn ... [ More Info ]

Town of Lunenburg, Lunenburg Recreation

For those who enjoy the great outdoors, Lunenburg offers a number of recreational activities. Campgrounds, golf courses and sandy beaches are all within a few minutes drive. The surrounding waters are ... [ More Info ]

Yarmouth Recreation

Yarmouth Recreation provides recreation programming and services for the residents of both the Town and Municipality of Yarmouth. Yarmouth Recreation is given direction and recommendations from the Re ... [ More Info ]

Yoga on the Beach

Municipality of the District of Argyle
Calling all YOGIS! ‍♀️‍♂️ On July 7th at 6:30pm, join us for some yoga on the beach with Janine LeBlanc! There are limited spots available, so register now at! $10 per person Pa ... [ More Info ]


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