by André Bouchard | Mar 19, 2013
Youth can be more physically active after school through new community-based programs in Argyle, Barrington, Mahone Bay, Shelburne, South Queens and Yarmouth. Lunenburg MLA Pam Birdsall, on behalf of Health and Wellness Minister David Wilson, launched After the Bell...
by André Bouchard | Mar 18, 2013
Starting April 16th, the YMCA Yarmouth will be offering a Positive Aging Program for older adults and individuals who need a gentler approach to fitness. As we age, our needs change. Studies have shown that exercise provides many health benefits and that older adults...
by André Bouchard | Jan 28, 2013
To view the preliminary designs for the Phase 1 components, please click the following links: King Street and Old Bridge Landing; Old Bridge Retrofit; and the draft Parking Plan. These documents will be refined over the next several weeks as part of the final detailed...
by André Bouchard | Jan 11, 2013
Take the Roof off Winter is Recreation Nova Scotia’s winter active campaign. Snowshoe, skate, walk, sled or ski: get outside, play, and have fun! The campaign will officially and virtually launch on World Snow Day on January 20th, and will run until the first day of...