Text Box Auto-Complete
Auto-complete is a helpful aid to searching, but there are a few “tips and tricks” that assist users to take full advantage of it.
Your first step should be to select the kind of search you wish to execute by clicking one selection from the radio button choices (you may not have all of these choices):
Keyword Organization Name(s) Service Categories
Choosing “Keyword” is going to give you a more extensive suggestions list than if you use one of the other choices. “Keyword” looks in multiple fields (including the other selections) so will provide you with a mixed list that could include “proper” names, categories as well words that appear in description and other fields.
In the text box, begin to type the words for the search you wish to execute – please note the following:
- No suggestions will occur until you have typed four characters – if you don’t need four characters for your search, click the space bar to create the additional character(s) you need so that “auto-complete” will suggest the appropriate term
- Results in the auto-complete drop down will first display suggestions for the word(s) you type that occur at the beginning of name or subject etc. After auto-complete displays those choices, it will be begin to list occurrences where the search term(s) are found somewhere other than the beginning of the Organization Name or Category.
- The more characters you type, the more refined the auto-complete suggestions will become. Continue to type until you see the result you want to select.
Once the term you wish to search is visible in the drop down list, you can select it using one of these methods:
- Use your arrow key to move to the term you wish to select and then “Enter”. The term should now appear in the text box OR …
- Click (very quickly) on the term you wish to select and it will appear in the text box. You must click quickly (without holding down your click). Over time we hope the need for very quick clicking will be resolved, but in the meantime, a fast click will select what you want.
- You can then continue to select additional search criteria from the communities selections and quicklists/headings drop down list.
If you have any feedback about the auto-complete tool or any aspect of your use of RASS, don’t hesitate to be in touch. Email: rasscoordinator@nccaregina.ca Phone: 306-791-9888
These search tips may help you if you are not getting any results, or if you are getting too many results and wish to be more specific. Below is an example of a search for the phrase “walking trail”. This page will outline how this phrase is searched using the various search options available.
Search for walking trail
In Words Anywhere:
This will return any records with the words walking AND trail in any of the indexed fields in the database. The words do not necessarily have to be in the same indexed field. The word walking could be in one field and the word trail in a different field. However, both words must be present somewhere in the indexed fields for that record for it to be included in the results list.
Note that a “words anywhere” search will usually result in the largest number of “hits” and thus the largest result set for your search. If your returned list is too long, try narrowing your search by being more specific with your chosen search term or phrase, or if you can limit your search using other options on the page (i.e. located in community) that will also reduce the number of results.
In Organization:
If you are confident that you know the name, or most of the name, of a specific organization you are searching for, this is one of the most accurate ways of returning the record for that organization. If, after entering the organization name, you find no results, try being a bit more general in your search. Using the “walking trail” example, searching for “walking trail” in organization name will return only those records where walking AND trail is contained within the name of the organization itself, for example: SOUTH SHORE WALKING TRAIL COALITION.
Use of Wildcard Asterisks
You can use an asterisk at the end of any search word … thus: walk* will find walk; walking; walker; walks; trail* will find trail; trails; trailhead; walk* trail* will find any of the combinations outlined above
Use of Quotation Marks
You can search with terms enclosed in quotation marks … thus: “walking trail” will result in any records that have both of those exact words adjacent to each other in that order and in the same field. “walk* trail*” will result in records that have “walking trail” or “walking trails” or “walker trailhead” in a single field, in that order, adjacent to each other.
The “Limit to” Searches
“Located In” and “Serving” Communities
This function enables you to restrict the results by geography; either by where the service/program is physically located or by the geographic service area specified in the record. It is a good idea, if you are searching for a specific service in a known area, to use these limiting features to narrow your results.
Quick List Drop Down
This search tool allows you to limit the range of the records that are searched to a pre-defined set of records, often grouped by subject and/or geographical location. You can only select one choice from the drop down list.
Record Number
You can return one specific record in the search results according to its Record Number, that is, the three alpha, four numeric unique identifier assigned to each record. Eg. HAM2233; OAK4489; SIM3212 & so on. If you are searching by record number, all other search criteria should be clear because this search, by definition, can have only one record in the result so no other criteria is applicable. This is only useful if you know the record number for the organization you are searching for.
If you find you frequently make reference to a single record, you may want to make note of the record number in the database entry, as this is the quickest way to locate a specific record.
Remember that, in all cases, the search components are added together. In other words, the listing of records you obtain from your search (if any) is the result of:
Whatever terms are entered in the search box AND the “limits” identified AND the “Quick List” category if any is chosen.
Browsing is NOT the same as Searching
Browsing is looking through a pre-defined list and is based on specifying either a letter or a number as your criteria.
Browse by Organization:
Allows you to review a list of services based on an alphabetical listing of the top level organization name defined in the record.