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Recreation for ALL has three Funding programs:

Improving Access Fund

Recreation for ALL exists to provide funding support to registered charities (ie. boys and girls clubs, seniors clubs, YMCA, school associations), and Nova Scotia municipalities, that are pursuing programs, promising practices, initiatives, capacity building and interventions designed to reduce and eliminating barriers to participation in recreational opportunities caused by poverty, distance, disability, the built environment, culture, etc..

Examples of initiatives eligible for funding through Recreation for ALL Improving Access Fund include (but are not limited to): community or association based recreation leisure buddy programs for persons with a disability; transportation programs for seniors that reduces the barriers to participation in recreational opportunities; the creation of free after school recreation programs for youth; a community-based recreation and sport equipment exchange program for all ages.

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Education Program Fund

Recreation for ALL will exist to provide funding to registered charities and Nova Scotia municipalities that are pursuing education on:

  • The benefits of quality and safe recreation,
  • The ways to reduce barriers and ways (policies and practices) to create accessible recreational opportunities.

Registered charities and municipalities in Nova Scotia are able to access Recreation for ALL funding to build capacity of decision makers, recreation leaders, volunteers and community stakeholders through formal education and training. Educational programs that will be eligible for funding by registered charities and municipalities include:

  • Injury Prevention (education that will reduce recreational related injuries and increase knowledge in the area of injury prevention)
  • Moving to Inclusion™
  • Everybody gets to Play™

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Research Fund

Recreation for ALL exists to provide funding support to registered charities and municipalities that are researching ways to reduce barriers to participation in recreational opportunities, addressing quality recreation, and addressing safety and injury prevention in recreation settings.

There is an annual call for proposals.

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For more information check out our website

Call us at 1-902-425-1128 or Email


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